Wednesday 10 November 2010

Orkney Islands - 7

Here we see an example of modern stained glass in the Cathedral. This was largely financed by The Society of the Friends of St Magnus Cathedral.

In 1972 when the west end of the Cathedral was in danger of collapse, the Society launched a successful ‘Save St Magnus’ Appeal under the patronage of HM Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. The Appeal raised some £300,000 enabling steel support girders to be installed above the nave at the west end.

Since then the Society has been closely involved in a whole range of projects, large and small. These include:
The stabilisation of the west gable.
The renewal of the spire
Installation and renewal of the sound system
Sponsoring a video of ‘the Saga of St Magnus’
The reconstruction of the Rose window in the south transept.
The publication of the Cathedral guide book now in its 4th edition.
The installation of the west window to celebrate the 850th anniversary of the Cathedral
The maintenance of the stained glass windows
Sponsoring the ‘Friends Room’ in the St Magnus Centre
Major refurbishment and ongoing repairs to the Willis organ
Construction of a new toilet block
Replacement of the Cathedral chairs.

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