Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Orkney Islands - 6

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome.

Here we see the pulpit and the nave Communion Table inside St Magnus Cathedral.

Holy Communion is celebrated on the significant dates in the Christian Year, namely Science Festival Sunday [1st in September] All Saints Sunday [1st in November, Christmas Day [jointly with Kirkwall East Church, Candlemas [1st in February] Easter Day, around Pentecost/Trinity [1st in June]. There is also a Communion service held on the first Sunday in August.

The Cathedral has an open Table at Communion services which means that any baptised member of Christ’s Church is welcome to share in the Sacrament. This includes children.

By contrast, Mass is celebrated several times each day in the Lateran Basilica, but there is not an 'open table'.

I look forward to the day when the Transalpine Redemptorists from Papa Stronsay (Orkney) will be able to celebrate the Old Rite Mass in this beautiful and historic setting.

Happy Feast!

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