It was bound to happen - grumbles from my parishioners at Ham that I am ignoring them in my blog! Well not any longer. Here is a photo of some of our altar servers taken recently during a visit to Westminster Cathedral for a Mass for Altar Servers arranged by the Guild of St Stephen. Over 1,000 servers were present - and the procession took ages!
The Mass was a votive Mass of St Stephen - Deacon and Martyr. I was one of the four deacons at the Mass, though fortunately none of us was stoned to death! It was great seeing our servers so smartly turned out in their red cassocks and white cottas - just like the servers wear in the Chapel of the Resurrection.
So you want to be stoned next time??? Nice photo!
Well, as I have given up alcohol for Lent, there is little chance of me being stoned any other way!
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