Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Summer in my Garden - 2

I am pleased that Thompson & Morgan sent a good mix of red, white and blue petunias seedlings in their Jubilee Mix.

It all takes me back to my 1st Year classes in Elementary Statistical Theory at University College London when I had to answer questions about the probability of having at least one red, one white and one blue petunia in a pot containing seven plants, where the plants were chosen at random from a larger mixture of 28 red, 28 white, and 28 blue petunias all mixed together and indistinguishable at the time of planting out!

Don't bother trying to answer the question - just thank God for the beauty of his creation.

Lord of beauty, thine the splendour
Shewn in earth and sky and sea,
Burning sun and moonlight tender,
Hill and river, flower and tree:
Lest we fail our praise to render
Touch our eyes that they may see.

Lord of wisdom, whom obeying
Mighty waters ebb and flow,
While unhasting, undelaying,
Planets on their courses go:
In thy laws thyself displaying,
Teach our minds thyself to know.

Lord of life, alone sustaining
All below and all above,
Lord of love, by whose ordaining
Sun and stars sublimely move;
In our earthly spirits reigning,
Lift our hearts that we may love.

Lord of beauty, bid us own thee,
Lord of truth, our footsteps guide
Till as love our hearts enthrone thee,
And, with vision purified,
Lord of all, when all have known thee,
Thou in all art glorified.

Or for those who prefer to sing the hymn in Latin:

Per tuum natura lumen
est ubique lucida.
Flos et arbor, mons et flumen,
luna, sol et sidera
sunt laudanda. Tange, Numen,
tange nostra lumina.

Quo docente regularis
tractat undas impetus,
cuius motio stellaris
conservatur legibus,
nobis esse cognoscaris
legislator optimus.

Inspirator cuncta prorsum
dirigens viventia,
quo tenent superna cursum
imperante lumina,
tolle, diligende, sursum,
tolle nostra pectora.

Fac a nobis agnoscaris
dans lucernam pedibus,
cordibusque instituaris
amor ipse cognitus
et ab omnibus sciaris
omnium tu dominus.

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