Monday 17 June 2013

Springtime in my Garden - 12

Well, since we last saw them, the tomato plants have shot up! They are now almost 5ft tall.

The six plants are all grown in grow bags using ring culture methods. All plants have now reached the bud stage, and the first flowers are just starting to open. It will soon be summer!

Kindly spring again is here,
Trees and fields in bloom appear;
Hark! the birds with artless lays
Warble their Creator’s praise.

Where in winter all was snow,
Now the flowers in clusters grow;
And the corn, in green array,
Promises a harvest-day.

Lord, afford a spring to me,
Let me feel like what I see;
Speak, and by Thy gracious voice,
Make my drooping soul rejoice.

On Thy garden deign to smile,
Raise the plants, enrich the soil;
Soon Thy presence will restore
Life to what seemed dead before.

I like to sing these words to the tune 'Savannah'.

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