Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Springtime in my Garden - 8

You may well be wondering what exactly is hidden inside this odd looking container? Well let me tell you, they are runner beans!

The variety I am growing this year is called 'Achievement Merit' - yes, it has won an RHS Award of Garden Merit! It is a British re-selection that gives improved form of the ever popular Achievement. Heavy yields of long, smooth, slender, straight pods that have exquisite flavour are produced in abundance over a long season. Red flowered variety, particularly attractive in the garden.

I sowed 32 seeds on 19 May, and the strongest 14 plants will be selected for growing up my two wigwams. At the time of writing (27 May), 8 seeds have germinated. As usual, the seeds were supplied by Thompson & Morgan.

STOP PRESS! By 10.00 am today, 16 seeds had germinated. By 8.00 pm, 27 seeds had germinated.

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