Thursday, 29 November 2012

Papa Stronsay Calendar 2013

No doubt you will soon be thinking about buying Christmas presents. I would like to suggest that you purchase some of the wonderful calendars published by the Transalpine Redemptorists who live on the Holy Island of Papa Stronsay - which is one of the Orkney Islands off the north coast of Scotland.

Our photo shows the brothers in their Chapel on the Feast of the Assumption 2012.They remind us of the truth that:

"Next to grace TIME is the most precious gift of God. Yet how much of both we waste. We say that TIME does many things. It teaches us many lessons, weans us from many follies, strengthens us in good resolves, and heals many wounds. And yet it does none of these things. TIME does nothing. But TIME is the conductor of all these things which God does in TIME. TIME is full of eternity."

For those living in the UK, the cost of the calendar is £5 each (plus postage and packing). In order to purchase, click the link on this blog to the Transalpine Redemptorists and then you will be able to purchase direct from their blog site. But be quick before they all go - I have just ordered 5!

This is the fourth year I have purchased these wonderful calendars. They have some lovely photos and provide useful liturgical information. You will soon find yourself celebrating Christmas twelve times a year - not just once!

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