Thursday 9 August 2012

The Highest University in the Land - 34

Here we see Her Majesty The Queen talking to Dr Thomas Moore - the Principal of Perth College UHI.

HRH The Queen bids farewell to Dr Thomas Moore (Principal)

In the meantime, HRH Prince Phillip was talking to James Fraser the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of UHI.

There can be little doubt that the Royal Couple were well-briefed before their visit. After all their daughter (The Princess Royal) is the Chancellor of UHI.

Will Ye No Come Back Again?

Bonnie Chairlie's noo awa',
Safely ower the friendly main;
Mony a heart will break in twa',
Should he ne'er come back again.

Will ye no come back again?
Will ye no come back again?
Better lo'ed ye canna be,
Will ye no come back again?

Ye trusted in your Hielan' men,
They trusted you dear Chairlie.
They kent your hidin' in the glen,
Death or exile bravin'.

We watched thee in the gloamin' hour,
We watched thee in the mornin' grey.
Tho' thirty thousand pounds they gie,
O there is nane that wad betray.

Sweet the laverock' s note and lang,
Liltin' wildly up the glen.
But aye tae me he sings ae sang,
Will ye no' come back again?

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