Thursday 2 August 2012

The Highest University in the Land - 28

Perth College UHI has lodged plans for a sensitive residential development providing 110 homes within redundant campus grounds. The proposals take account of environmental measures including the retention of most of the existing trees on the site, two small wetlands and the creation of open green public spaces with equipped play areas.

In addition, the design involves the removal of the imposing existing wall which currently shields the campus from the Crieff Road. The College entrance will also be dramatically improved for easier access.

Duncan White, Perth College UHI Director of Resources explained: “The plans which will involve the sale of the land to a developer have been carefully considered to complement existing surrounding buildings and have been reduced in scale considerably from previous proposals.

“With soft landscaping and trees, it will be a very attractive development as well as being environmentally responsible with regards to features such as wetland ponds which will be planted with wetland plants and reeds to create a ‘living’ feature and will support various forms of wildlife.

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