Wednesday, 2 May 2012

St Andrews - 1

I recently paid a visit to St Andrews - and had lunch in my favourite restaurant, the Doll's House. This is the restaurant where (the then) Kate Middleton worked as a part-time waitress when she was a student at the University. How her life has changed!

I have never seen the town so quiet - perhaps people knew that I was planning to visit! Here we see the main street looking towards the ruins of the Cathedral.

I had a delicious lunch and sat at the table at which the body guards sat when Prince William and Kate were out courting. I was informed that on one occasion, the couple asked to have the body guards moved, as they were being a nuisance! The restaurant is superb value - just £6.95 for a two course lunch. I also enjoyed a quarter litre of wine - well, it is Eastertide. I had to taste the vine's new fruit!

Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise,
that best and greatest shinest;
fair Easter, queen of all the days,
of seasons, best, divinest!
Christ rose from death; and we adore
forever and forevermore.

Come, let us taste the Vine's new fruit,
for heavenly joy preparing;
today the branches with the root
in resurrection sharing:
whom as true God our hymns adore
forever and forevermore.

Rise, Zion, rise! and looking forth,
behold thy children round thee!
From east and west, from south and north,
thy scattered sons have found thee;
and in thy bosom Christ adore
forever and for evermore.

O Father, O co-equal Son,
O co-eternal Spirit,
in persons Three, in Godhead One,
and One in power and merit;
in thee baptized, we thee adore
forever and for evermore.

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