Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Lenten Pilgrimage - 27

Today we are in Roxburghshire.

"ROXBURGHSHIRE is of an irregular figure, the greatest extent of which, in every direction, is about 30 miles. It is bounded on the N. by Berwickshire; on the E. and S. by the English border; and on the W. by Dumfries and Selkirkshires. It comprehends the ancient districts of Teviotdale and Liddisdale; so named from the rivers Teviot and Liddal, which run through them. The N. and W. divisions of the county are mountainous; but the E. and S. are upon the whole flat and fertile. The whole abounds with the most romantic scenery; exhibiting in every part the rough appearance of hills, mosses, and mountains, interspersed, however, with narrow vallies, in which run numerous streams, long since familiar from poetical description ... Roxburghshire is divided into 31 parochial districts, which, by the returns made in 1801, contained 33,712 inhabitants."
from Gazetteer of Scotland published 1806, Edinburgh.

Time for our hymn.

Drop, drop, slow tears,
And bathe those beauteous feet,
Which brought from Heav’n
The news and Prince of Peace.

Cease not, wet tears,
His mercies to entreat;
To cry for vengeance:
Sin doth never cease.

In your deep floods
Drown all my faults and fears;
Nor let His eye see
Sin, but through my tears.

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