"PEEBLES-SHIRE, or Tweeddale, an inland county in the southern division of Scotland. It is bounded on the north and north-east by Edinburghshire; on the east and south-east by Selkirkshire; on the south by Dumfries-shire; and on the south-west and west by Lanarkshire ... The surface of Peebles-shire, regarded in the aggregate, is higher than that of any other county in the south of Scotland. It is chiefly an assemblage of single hills, clusters of hills, and ranges of mountains, which direct their spurs and their terminations to every point of the compass. The lowest ground is in the narrow vale of the Tweed, immediately within the boundary with Selkirkshire, and lies between 400 and 500 feet above sea-level."
from the Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland, edited by John Marius Wilson, 1868.
Time for our hymn.
O for a heart to praise my God,
A heart from sin set free,
A heart that always feels Thy blood
So freely shed for me.
A heart resigned, submissive, meek,
My great Redeemer’s throne,
Where only Christ is heard to speak,
Where Jesus reigns alone.
A humble, lowly, contrite, heart,
Believing, true and clean,
Which neither life nor death can part
From Christ who dwells within.
A heart in every thought renewed
And full of love divine,
Perfect and right and pure and good,
A copy, Lord, of Thine.
My heart, Thou know’st, can never rest
Till Thou create my peace;
Till of mine Eden repossest,
From self, and sin, I cease.
Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart;
Come quickly from above;
Write Thy new name upon my heart,
Thy new, best name of Love.
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