Monday 19 March 2012

Feast of St Joseph

Today we celebrate the Feast of St Joseph of Nazareth.

Lord, hear the praises of thy faithful people
Gathered to honour, on this holy feast-day,
Joseph thy servant, guardian of the Christ-child,
Husband of Mary.

Second in honour to the Virgin Mother,
Gladly he yielded to his high vocation,
When in a vision he was told the story
Of her conceiving.

And when the Saviour, whom prophetic voices
Long had predicted, lay within the manger,
Mother and Infant, by his strong protection,
Rested securely.

May his example give to us thy servants
Love of Christ Jesus, bringer of salvation,
That with Saint Joseph we at length may praise thee
In life eternal.

Almighty Father, unto thee be glory,
With Christ our Saviour and the Holy Spirit,
From all thy people, here and in thy heaven,
Now and for ever. Amen.

Happy Feast!

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