Thursday, 2 February 2012


Today is 40 days since Christmas Day, and so we celebrate the day on which Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple.

When to the temple Mary went,
And brought the holy child,
Him did the aged Simeon see,
As it had been revealed.
He took up Jesus in his arms
And blessing God he said:
In peace I now depart, my Saviour having seen,
The hope of Israel, the light of men.

Help now thy servants, gracious Lord,
That we may ever be
As once the faithful Simeon was,
Rejoicing but in thee;
And when we must from earth departure take,
May gently fall asleep and with thee wake.

This year,
on 2 February,
Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
Fr Michael Mary celebrates the
40th anniversary
of his entry into Religion and the service of God.

Fr Michael Mary is the Superior of the Transalpine Redemptorists who live on Papa Stronsay (Orkney Islands) Scotland.

Below is Fr Michael's New Year message. How interesting that he refers to King George VI in this video.

This blog sends warm greetings to Fr Michael Mary on the occasion of his Ruby Jubilee and asks for the prayers of all visitors for his future ministry.

Happy Feast!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Deacon Peter
    Thank you for your prayers and for your kindness. I remembered you and all who have prayed for me in my Mass this morning. We had a procession from the chapel down to the pier; some candles remained alight. There was only a very slight breeze; we each brought Our Lord into the Temple (the wax his body, the wick his soul and the flame his divine nature). It was beautiful too.
    Best wishes and happy feast day!
    Fr. Michael Mary
