Our beautiful new mace, to be used for years to come at graduation ceremonies across the region, symbolises the Highlands and Islands. The mace took centre stage at the ceremony.
Gifted by the universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and Stathclyde, the University of the Higlands and Islands mace has been designed by Edinburgh College of Art's jewellery and silversmithing department, and made by Edinburgh silversmiths Hamilton and Inches.
Edinburgh College of Art department and project head Stephen Bottomley said:"We were delighted to be asked to take on this exciting project for a new and innovative university and have created a design reflecting the rich diversity of land, sea and air and their combined elemental strength."
These inspiring words of Stephen Bottomley lead us into our hymn for today.
The God whom earth and sea and sky
adore and laud and magnify,
whose might they own, whose praise they swell,
in Mary's womb vouchsafed to dwell.
The Lord whom sun and moon obey,
whom all things serve from day to day,
was by the Holy Ghost conceived
of her who through his grace believed.
How blessed that Mother, in whose shrine
the world's Creator, Lord divine,
whose hand contains the earth and sky,
once deigned, as in his ark, to lie.
Blessed in the message Gabriel brought,
blessed by the work the Spirit wrought;
from whom the great Desire of earth
took human flesh and human birth.
O Lord, the Virgin-born, to thee
eternal praise and glory be,
whom with the Father we adore
and Holy Ghost for evermore.
Happy Feast!
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