Saturday 17 September 2011

UHI Celebration - 16

One important person who I have failed to make mention of so far is our Rector, Garry Coutts. Here we see him in the middle of the photo waiting for the RAF flypast. The back of his head is framed by the flower displays!

Garry Coutts, chair of NHS Highland, became our Rector in 2010. The former Highland Councillor took over from Dr Val MacIver OBE who served the maximum two three-year terms in the important ambassadorial role which also involves chairing the university's Foundation Community Link Group.

Foundation members - who represent local communities, businesses, public bodies, and staff and students - elected Mr Coutts to the post.

He has been a high-profile public servant for many years. He is Convener of the Scottish Social Services Council, a member of both the Care Commission and the Looked After Children's Strategic Implementation Group, and Chair of the Children's Services National Commissioning Group. He is also in business as Director of The Communications Skills Company.

In short, he is a VIP!

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