Wednesday, 14 September 2011

UHI Celebration - 13

The academic procession was very orderly - there was real pride processing through the city to the Town House. Hundreds of people lined the processional route. Here we see it PASSING The Whisky Shop! It would not have be so orderly had it gone VIA the shop!

More than 2,500 people have achieved a broad range of qualifications over the last 12 months with the university, including higher national certificates and diplomas, degrees and professional awards.

The university now has over 8,000 students and more than 100 undergraduate and postgraduate courses in diverse subjects reflective of the culture, heritage, and aspirations of the region.

Information technologies, including video conferencing, enable us to link up students and staff in our island and rural communities. Our courses enable a diverse range of students to study when and where it suits them.

Let us now listen to Diane Bish play the hymn tune for 'Lift high the cross'.

Happy Feast!

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