Saturday, 18 June 2011

Ripon Cathedral - 6

Here is a splendid view of the high altar and main sanctuary of the Cathedral.

On Sundays, the pattern of services is as follows. The 8am Eucharist is a said service using traditional language based on the Book of Common Prayer. A sermon is preached.

Morning Prayer, or Mattins, takes place at 9.30am. Usually this is a simple said service, following the Book of Common Prayer. Approximately once a month, on the first Sunday, the Choir sing the traditional service of Choral Mattins. Details can be found in the Music List.

The principal Sunday Service is the Sung Eucharist at 10.30am. Usually this is sung by the Cathedral Choir, or during the holidays by a visiting choir. On the first Sunday of the month, the Cathedral Music Group usually lead the service, which typically has a more informal style.

At 12.30 there is a celebration of Holy Communion according to the rite of the Book of Common Prayer.

Evensong at 5.30pm completes the day. A sermon is preached at Evensong on a Sunday.

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