Saturday, 11 June 2011

Highland Folk Museum - 36

The centre of most dwellings is the hearth for the turf (peat) fire. This is used for cooking and heating and is a focal point for the family members during the long winter nights.

The largest of the Baile Gean domestic structures erected at the Folk Museum is the Tacksman's House - and in the photo below, we see the very gentleman himself! He is shielding his eyes from the flash of my camera.

The Taskman's House comprises seven cruck frames to create six internal; plus two end bays. This heather thatched house is the principal tenant's house. Usually the tacksman negotiated, collected and paid the rent as well as liaised on behalf of the other township inhabitants with the local laird, their landlord. The size of the taskman's dwelling equates with his community status and possible better wealth.

This concludes our visit to the Highland Folk Museum. On Monday we are off down south (to England!) to have a look at Ripon Cathedral.

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