Thursday 2 September 2010

Highland Games - 10

Finally in the parade we have the Inverness Sea Scouts.

We're riding along on the crest of a wave
And the sun is in the sky,
All our eyes on the distant horizon
Look out for passers-by.
We'll do the hailing
While other ships are round us sailing
We're riding along on the crest of a wave
and the world is ours

All hands aboard, boys,
All hands abord, boys,
The ship is calling for more.
We're getting getting ready,
Now for a steady -
Pull-away from the home shore.
We're off to find adventure anyhow
Because we know that now:-

We're riding...

Sailing the seas is -
Great, when the breezes -
Seem just to blow you along.
And though before we -
Land there'll be stormy -
Weather, we'll face it with song
High through the billows we'll go crashing through
With our adventure crew..

We're riding along...

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