Tuesday 8 December 2009

Advent Hymns - 10

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

God the Father sends his angel
from his throne in heav'n above;
when the angel speaks to Mary,
Mary's heart is full of love.

Gabriel says: 'Rejoice, O Mary,
full of grace: the Lord is near.
You will bear God's Son, O Maiden:
God has promised, have no fear'.

Mary says:
'I am God's servant;
I will keep his holy Word;
I will gladly be the mother
of my Saviour and my Lord'.

Now the Spirit overshadows
God the Father's chosen one:
she becomes the maiden-mother
of the Father's only Son.

God the Word, the Father's Wisdom
comes on earth as Mary's child:
God, our glory, shines among us,
God with us is reconciled.

Praise the Father, fount of blessing,
praise his Son, whom Mary bore,
praise the Lord of life, the Spirit,
praise one God for evermore.

James Quinn (b. 1919)

Happy Feast!

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