Sunday, 27 September 2009

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

In the New Testament reading today we think about the importance of honest work and fair pay. The following poster provides food for thought as we hear the Gospel!

Work is sweet, for God has blest
Honest work with quiet rest,
Rest below and rest above
In the mansions of His love,
When the work of life is done,
When the battle’s fought and won.

Work ye, then, while yet ’tis day,
Work ye Christians, while ye may,
Work for all that’s great and good,
Working for your daily food.
Working whilst the golden hours,
Health, and strength, and youth are yours.

Working not alone for gold,
Not the work that’s bought and sold,
Not the work that worketh strife,
But the working of a life
Careless both of good or ill,
If ye can but do His will.

Working ere the day is gone,
Working till your work is done,
Not as traffickers at marts,
But as fitteth honest hearts,
Working till your spirits rest
With the spirits of the blest.

I was rather amused when a youngster at church said that there are plenty of restrictions because of the dangers of swine flu - no sharing of the chalice, no signing with holy water, no shaking hands at the sign of peace. Why then are we still passing the collection plate around with no extra precautions? It makes you think!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Nice post Peter..will remember you in my prayers next week..

  2. Many thanks Jackie - I am most grateful. Have a good retreat.

  3. Not sure about this hymn - smacks a bit of keeping the workers in their place and at the grindstone!
