Shortbread is a type of biscuit which is traditionally made from one part white sugar, two parts butter, and three parts oatmeal (although plain white flour is common today). Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture (from an old meaning of the word short). The cause of this texture is its high fat content, provided by the butter.
Walkers Shortbread is the best. We have some every Christmas.
I might make some of this today but now seeing it in black and white sounds very unhealthy - unless I use the oatmeal instead of my normal flour - and who ARE these people in the photo?
Not exactly health food - but in moderation it shouldn't do too much harm! I have no idea who the two gentlemen are! I got the photo from a Google search on Walkers. Perhaps they are members of the Walker family?
The man on the left is Jim Walker with his brother, Joe Waker, on the right. Their grandfather, Joseph Walker, founded Walkers Shortbread in 1898. It's a great product made with all natural ingredients (butter, flour, sugar, salt). I agree with Peter -- in moderation it shouldn't do too much harm.
Thank you, Barbara, for this information. I haven't given up shortbread for Lent, and so will still be able to enjoy a piece with my coffee at 11. I should point out that I was a good boy today (being Ash Wednesday) and did abstain from the delicious product this morning!
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