Thursday, 19 February 2009

Dundee Cake

Keeping up the baking theme, here we have a delicious Scottish Cake! I'm sorry that the earlier photo of a cake baked by Delia Smith was not visible on some computers - it was subject to copyright restrictions. Here is one that I baked earlier today - only joking!

Ingredients for Dundee Cake:

300g Plain Flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
100g candied peel
100g cherries
480g currants
200g sultanas
200g raisins
100g blanched almonds
4 eggs
4 tablespoons milk or sherry or brandy
1 lemon grated rind
200g margarine
1 tablespoon black treacle
200g demerara sugar

Happy baking!

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