Friday 19 September 2008

Exeter Cathedral - 10

What a splendid view! The magnificent screen (complete with altars either side of the gates into the choir) - and of course a glorious organ to crown it.

O praise ye the Lord!
All things that give sound;
Each jubilant chord,
Re-echo around;
Loud organs, his glory
Forth tell in deep tone,
And sweet harp, the story
Of what he has done.


  1. You may have revealed where north of the border you are headed in an earlier post, but if not, just how far north are you going?

  2. The Screen organ case is lovely and dates from 1662, I think; Did you notice that the organ is also disposed in the Minstrel's gallery half way down the nave and the 32ft Contra Violone pipes are located in the South transept?

  3. Yes - I did notice some organ pipes in the Minstrel's Gallery, but sadly didn't take a photo. 1662 reminds me of the Book of Common Prayer.
