We had some serious hymn singing in some quarters! Our singing is accompanied by the Digital Hymnal - which is nicknamed 'The Beast'! If you visit the link, be sure to click on the 'pop up player' - you will be in for hours of fun!
I am actually quite musical - being a member of The Jubilate Group and The Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland. I cannot commend the Digital Hymnal too highly - I award it a mark of 100%. I note that St Andrew's Metropolitan Cathedral, Glasgow have just purchased one, so that there can be more singing in the liturgy of weekdays (they will be using their normal organ on Sundays). It has transformed our worship in the Chapel of the Resurrection by helping us achieve a decent musical standard - more worthy of the worship of Almighty God.
I'll have to investigate this but in principle I am in favour of live music. I certainly hate taped music in church nad I've heard some horrid choices in my time! Humming chorus from Madam Butterfly at communion for starters!
In my experience the digital hymnal requires someone with liturgical taste, a good knowledge of church music, and technical skill in using the machine. With these three requirments satisfied, it can deliver superb results. It is of course no substitute for a good organ and a good organist, but some churches possess neither of these - or at least don't have an organist available 365 days a year. This is clearly the thinking behind Glasgow Cathedral's decision to purchase one. I have been quite adventurous in my choice of hymns in the Chapel of the Resurrection (for example, Hail thee, Festival Day! and Hail, harbinger of morn - both during the summer term) and everyone has coped well - 'the Beast' giving such a good, clear lead. We have also been able to use the Paschal Mass by Alan Rees when appropriate. It costs less than £2,000 (inc VAT) - and in my opinion is superb value - even if only for use at Daily Mass or Weekday Offices.
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