Thursday 10 April 2008

Welcome Spring - 9

Here is another photo taken in St James's Park, London. This one shows the view towards Buckingham Palace - the London Residence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It was in this Palace that Pope John Paul II met the Queen on 28 May 1982.

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us;
God save the Queen!

Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign;
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To say with heart and voice
God save the Queen!

John Paul II reigned as Pope for just over 26 years - Elizabeth II has reigned as Queen for just over 56 years (to date). The Queen - though not a Catholic - has a very strong Christian faith, which she is proud to profess in public.

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