Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Psalm 51 - Ash Wednesday

Here we see the High Altar of Salisbury Cathedral in Lenten Array. The Roman Catholic Church uses purple (violet) as the colour for this Lenten season, but a number of Anglican Churches use lenten array. It certainly looks very striking in this magnificent setting.

Have mercy, Lord, on me,
As thou wert ever kind;
Let me, opprest with loads of guilt,
Thy wonted mercy find.

Have a Holy Lent!


  1. One of a number of contemporary frontals embroidered for Salisbury by Jane Lemon and the Sarum group. Jane's work can also be seen at Bath Abbey and Wells cathedral. The Salisbury Lenten frontal is also accompanied by chasubles which are embroidered so it appears that the shadow of the cross is falling across the celebrant's back. Salisbury has some rather lovely old frontals including the superb 'Te Deum' frontal.


  2. One of a number of contemporary frontals embroidered for Salisbury by Jane Lemon and the Sarum group. Jane's work can also be seen at Bath Abbey and Wells cathedral. The Salisbury Lenten frontal is also accompanied by chasubles which are embroidered so it appears that the shadow of the cross is falling across the celebrant's back. Salisbury has some rather lovely old frontals including the superb 'Te Deum' frontal.


  3. Thank you for providing this useful information - I am very fond of Salisbury Cathedral.
