
Saturday, 30 June 2007

The Widow's Mite

The Chapel of the Resurrection must be one of the few places of worship where there is no collection taken during the service, and where there is nowhere to leave gifts of money! The School kindly pays all our bills for candles and incense etc.

However, most of our places of worship do rely on the voluntary contributions of the faithful. Do we give generously according to our means?

We should remember the words of the Lord Jesus 'where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!'

Words from the hymn 'Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee,' provide a good link between yesterdays post on gold medals and todays on the widow's mite:

Take my silver and my gold,
not a mite would I withhold;
take my intellect, and use
every power as thou shalt choose.

1 comment:

John the organist said...

Yes pretty daunting that verse! Have sung this to Heinlein "40 days and 40 nights" - I don't much like that tune attributed to Mozart - I'm sure Mozart would never write something so naff! When do we see your smiling face again? The new deacon is coping pretty well but he's not like Richard!