Friday, 6 April 2007

13th Station - Jesus is taken down from the cross

If we are honest, we tend to find Stations 13 and 14 fairly easy to cope with - 'Christ has died,' and soon we shall be proclaiming 'Christ is risen.' However, that could hardly have been the feeling on the first Good Friday afternoon as Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus came to take the dead body of Jesus down from the cross. They must have been very sad indeed. I have only once handled a dead body myself, and it wasn't a pleasant experience. I was shocked by how cold it felt.

Bishop How's hymn talks about the great fire burning in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and he prays that our cold hearts will be set on fire by the love of Jesus.

But even could I see him die,
I could but see a little part
of that great love, which like a fire,
is always burning in his heart.

It is most wonderful to know
his love for me so free and sure;
but 'tis more wonderful to see
my love for him so faint and poor.

And yet I want to love thee, Lord;
O light the flame within my heart,
and I will love thee more and more,
until I see thee as thou art.

If that happens, today will indeed be a Good Friday!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful hymn this is! William Walsham How was as you say Bishop of Wakefield and I think Truro. RSCM doyen Martin How is related to him and he too has the "common touch".
    "O light the flame within my heart" reminds me of "O thou who camest from above" - another great hymn of faith and love.
    Help me to follow you Jesus.
