Friday, 2 February 2007

Presentation in the Temple

Here we see Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem for the first time when he was 40 days old. They had come to 'present him to the Lord' - something which hardly needed doing in his case - but still, they did so in obedience to the Jewish Law. We see Mary holding a pair of turtle doves which she offered in sacrifice.

We also see Simeon and Anna. Simeon told Mary that a sword will pierce her own soul - Jesus himself is to be the true sacrifice which will take away the sins of the world.

So Candlemas Day looks back to Christmas Day, but also looks forward to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. As a Candlemas Carol puts it so well:

When candles are lighted on Candlemas Day
The dark is behind us, and Spring's on the way!
The candles invite us to watch and to pray,
When Christmas greets Easter on Candlemas Day!

I don't know about you, but I am certainly pleased at the thought that Spring is on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures Peter and Spring is on the way!
